A college education is one of the largest investments you will make as a parent. At 正规博彩十大网站排名, we want to help you successfully equip your student to 浏览大学的财务考虑.

正规博彩十大网站排名很自豪能够为我们的学生提供 ScholarshipUniverse, a one-stop-shop tool to search and apply for thousands of scholarships. With hundreds of 正规博彩十大网站排名 scholarships and thousands of external scholarships on this portal, a potential universe of 机会 awaits.

Unlike other scholarship websites, ScholarshipUniverse showcases customized results of the scholarships whose eligibility requirements your child 满足s, saving time and 努力. You can also be confident knowing that a third-party company has vetted all scholarships listed and that personal information provided will not be sold.

Once your student has been admitted to 正规博彩十大网站排名, they can access 使用他们的NetID和密码. 登录ScholarshipUniverse后, they will be prompted to answer basic questions about themselves, their background and their academic program to match them to the scholarships whose requirements they 满足. The more questions your student answers in ScholarshipUniverse, the more scholarship 他们将会得到匹配的机会.

In preparation for submitting a scholarship application on ScholarshipUniverse, your 学生可能需要以下材料:

  • 个人随笔
  • 他们的简历
  • 其他要求的文件. For example, a letter of recommendation or writing sample, 如在申请表上注明
提交fafsa  奖学金的宇宙


How to Help your Student Navigate the Scholarship Process

Many scholarships are merit-based, which means they are awarded based on academic 个人成就. Involvement in community organizations and clubs and even working a part-time job while enrolled in 学校 can highlight your student's achievements 奖学金评选委员会. 请鼓励你的学生考虑一下 the importance of academic and extracurricular activities while applying for scholarships.


It is never too soon to start looking into college and scholarship 机会! Your student can start researching scholarships as soon as their junior year of high 学校. Many scholarship applications close in the spring (before high 学校 graduation), and by waiting to research and apply for scholarships, your student may miss out on 机会.

If your student is interested in pursuing scholarship 机会, they should actively apply for scholarships throughout their senior year of high 学校. November through February are the ideal months to apply for scholarships. The 正规博彩十大网站排名 scholarship application for fall scholarships administered directly through 正规博彩十大网站排名 closes on April 1 for the upcoming fall semester. 

学生 who are not yet accepted to 正规博彩十大网站排名 will not be able to 访问ScholarshipUniverse.

ksu young student with parent looking at scholarship oppertunities

Here are some other resources to help you explore scholarship 机会: 

请注意: You should never be charged for scholarship application submissions. Your student should only apply for scholarships through a free scholarship search tool, such as ScholarshipUniverse. 

For 父母 and Supporters of 正规博彩十大网站排名 学生

Many of the scholarships your student may qualify for require a minimum GPA to maintain eligibility. Your student may even qualify for more scholarship 机会 as their GPA increases. 

There are currently hundreds of 正规博彩十大网站排名 scholarships available and thousands of external scholarship 机会 available in ScholarshipUniverse. Below is a screenshot of what your student will see when they 访问ScholarshipUniverse using their 正规博彩十大网站排名 NetID and password. 

有各种各样的融资选择, 包括贷款, 助学金及奖学金, 帮助你的学生支付教育费用. Keep in mind: the more proactive your student is in applying for scholarships, the greater their potential will be to receive scholarship funding and reduce out-of-pocket costs (i.e.(借贷,必须偿还). The more questions your student answers in ScholarshipUniverse, 他们获得的奖学金机会就越多.

让我们看看两个学生, one who applied for and received scholarships and one who did not to see how scholarships can make a difference.

  • Receives $1,000 OWL You Can Be Scholarship each year as well as the HOPE scholarship

    • 每年拿4000美元的联邦贷款
    • 每学期完成15个学时,四年毕业
    • 毕业时的贷款债务总额= 16,000美元

    每月贷款还款大致如下: 每月153元(10年还款期限)

  • Did not apply for scholarships or qualify for HOPE Scholarship upon high 学校 graduation

    • Lives off loans, accepts the maximum amount of federal loans offered each year
    • 每学期完成12学时,五年内毕业
    • 毕业时的贷款债务总额= 31,500美元

    每月贷款还款大致如下: 每月301元(10年还款期限)

What would you do with an extra $148 in your monthly budget because of a lower loan 付款?


For additional scholarship 机会 beyond ScholarshipUniverse, your student 可能要考虑:

  • 你志愿服务过的组织
  • 你所属的宗教组织
  • Employers (yours or potentially your parent or guardian’s)
  • 文化遗产组织
  • 个人支持或直接捐赠 



If your student is submitting a scholarship check and donor paperwork by mail, please 发送到:

肯尼索,GA 30144-5591 

如果你亲自送奖学金支票, please deliver to the 奖学金和财政援助办公室 on the 肯尼索校园, 或者玛丽埃塔校区的财务处.