The 联邦半工半读的 (FWS) Program provides jobs for undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate financial need. FWS gives the student a chance to earn money to help pay for educational or personal expenses while working on campus or in community 服务工作.

A FWS student is paid through a combination of institutional and federal funds. FWS 学生 are eligible to receive an award during Fall, 春天, and Summer terms within an academic year.  Any amount unused within an awarded term will be voided at the conclusion of the term.  Once the FWS award is earned, the FWS student is no longer eligible for employment unless chosen to be hired as a Student Assistant and paid through the hiring department's budget.

FWS students may work up to 20 hours per week. FWS pay rates may start at $8.00,不同 基于位置.

联邦半工半读的 Eligibility

In order for a student to be eligible for FWS, students must have a completed financial aid file, have financial need, be enrolled at least half-time, and have at least a 2.0调整后GPA (undergraduate students) and at least a 3.调整后的GPA(毕业生) students) earned for 正规博彩十大网站排名 classes. Interested students should complete the following requirements to determine their eligibility for the FWS program:

  • 完成 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) using income and asset information. Eligibility is based on your unmet need as determined by your budget, family contribution calculated by the federal government, and any 援助收到.
  • 在线完成 联邦半工半读的 (FWS) Application after your financial aid file is complete. 联邦半工半读的 applications are reviewed by the FWS Coordinator for eligibility. All students will be notified via e-mail when their eligibility review has been completed.

Eligibility and Requirements

学生必须完成 Free Application for Federal Student Aid. It is necessary to request 正规博彩十大网站排名 to be listed 作为你学校的选择. 正规博彩十大网站排名的代码是001577.


  1. All students currently interested in receiving 联邦半工半读的 must complete the FAFSA, indicating interest in the 联邦半工半读的 program by March 1st.  If a student did not indicate interest on the FAFSA on or before March 1st, the student may complete the 在线申请.
  2. To apply for a 联邦工作研究 position, all students must have a current financial aid award, which can be viewed on Owl Express. This is the first step in determining your eligibility for the 联邦半工半读的 Program.
  3. After current and new applicants complete a 联邦半工半读的 application, all applicants will receive a response in their  已经发邮件 which verifies that their application has been satisfied, denied, or is under review.

正规博彩十大网站排名 学生就业 Requirements

The 正规博彩十大网站排名 employment policies are the same for all 正规博彩十大网站排名 students, whether Student Assistant or 联邦半工半读的 Student Assistant. However, FWS student assistants cannot exceed their awarded amount.

  • All student employees must be enrolled in at least half-time enrollment (6 eligible credit hours for undergraduate students and 5 eligible credit hours for graduate students).
  • All student employees must be in good financial and academic standing and have at 至少一个2.0调整后GPA (undergraduate students) and a 3.调整后的GPA(毕业生) students), although some departments require a higher GPA.
  • FWS students cannot work more than 20 hours per week total.

To learn more about student employment, please visit 学生就业 website below.

If I am hired as a Work-Study Student Assistant, I understand that:

  • I cannot earn more than my award amount.
  • I may not work more than 20 hours per week.
  • I will not be allowed to work during my classes.
  • I must notify my supervisor if I am unable to work at my scheduled time.
  • I cannot work on class assignments or projects during scheduled work hours unless 上级批准.
  • 我必须保持2.0调整后GPA (undergraduate students) or a 3.0调整后GPA (研究生).
  • I understand that I must be enrolled at least half-time in eligible coursework for 美国鱼类和野生动物管理局资格.
  • I may be dismissed for refusing to work, not showing up during my scheduled time, punctuality problems, performance problems, or creating a disturbance within the office.
学生就业 学生职位空缺
