• ScholarshipUniverse is a one-stop-shop search tool used to locate and apply for thousands 奖学金的机会. 你可以用你的NetID登录ScholarshipUniverse 密码为 肯尼索.scholarshipuniverse.com.

  • ScholarshipUniverse reviews each scholarship before being listed, so you can apply 无忧无虑的. Each scholarship is vetted by a third party to ensure that it is legitimate and that the requirements are accurate, saving you time to review countless scholarship 网站.

    Nearly every 部门 on campus uses this platform to post their scholarship opportunities. If you encounter any inconsistencies or concerns about a scholarship you were matched to, 您可以通过反馈选项报告它. 

  • 奖学金有几种类型! 你可以根据你的专业找到奖学金, 小, 大学, 部门, 学术价值, 财务需要, 爱好, 利益, 附属机构及更多. 奖学金 can come from two different sources: University scholarships are internal and are offered by various 正规博彩十大网站排名 部门s across campus; External scholarships are available by sources outside of 正规博彩十大网站排名. 这些可以由地方、州或国家组织提供. Every scholarship posted in ScholarshipUniverse comes from a reliable source. 
  • 你 first need to complete your student profile by answering several questions that are designed to match you with scholarships for which you are eligible.

    在你第一次登录奖学金世界之后, you will need to complete your student profile by answering several questions. These questions are designed to match you with scholarships for which you are eligible. 

    We recommend answering all profile questions before reviewing your scholarship matches. 你不需要回答每一个问题, 你回答的问题越多, 你就有可能获得更多的奖学金. 

    If you have new profile questions to answer, you will see a gray bar on your Dashboard. 你 can also view the questions you have already answered and update them by clicking 在问题选项卡上.

  • We recommend logging in to ScholarshipUniverse at least once a week to stay up to date on any new, recently posted scholarships so you can apply before their deadline. Typically, late fall through mid-spring is the peak of scholarship application season.
  • 是的! 你 can click on the 奖学金 tab and then select the Sort/Filter option 在右上角. 您可以按正规博彩十大网站排名内部奖学金排序,按名称搜索 或按特定学院/系筛选.
  • 是的! Scholarship dollars are awarded to 正规博彩十大网站排名 students every year. Award amounts vary and can typically be combined with other merit scholarships and 经济援助奖.

    However, a student may not receive aid that exceeds their 出勤费用. 如果一个 学生获得的资助超过他们的学费 出勤费用, they will be considered over-awarded, and aid may be appropriately adjusted, according 联邦法规.

  • 一些正规博彩十大网站排名奖学金需要两(2)封推荐信. 请仔细 read through all requirements for each scholarship to which you are applying. 你 can request two (2) Letters of Recommendation directly through ScholarshipUniverse.

    Please be sure to ask your recommender before completing your application and let them know to expect an email from ScholarshipUniverse with instructions on how to upload your recommendation letter. 

  • Any outstanding tasks that you are required to complete, such as thank you letters or award acceptance, can be done directly from your ScholarshipUniverse profile under 仪表板的所需操作部分.

    不知道从哪里开始写感谢信? 看看这些有用的建议 in the award email you received to help you in writing a more meaningful letter to 你的捐赠.

    Follow the prompts on your Dashboard to submit your thank you letter or accept your 在公布的截止日期前获奖.

  • 你 can view and edit your Communication preferences by clicking on your name in the upper right-hand corner and clicking on Profile. 
  • For any technical difficulties, please contact the ScholarshipUniverse Support Team 通过提交反馈. 请具体描述你的情况并提供 as much detail as possible, including error codes if applicable, so the team can work 迅速解决问题.

    Once your feedback is submitted, you may be asked to provide screenshots and other helpful information to assist the ScholarshipUniverse Support Team in providing you 最好的支持.

  • 如果奖学金可以续期,将在标准中注明. 大多数奖学金 要求你每年重新申请.
  • 奖学金 are awarded for educational expenses such as tuition, 费用, 住房, 书, 供应及运输. All funds will be posted to your student account by the Bursar’s Office. If you have a credit balance, the Bursar will issue your refund based on your preferences.  
  • All financial aid funds are released to the Bursar just before the final payment deadline for each semester. Funds are applied to your charges in the Bursar’s Office — half of the funds applied to the fall semester and half to the spring semester. 在支付所有费用后,您是否还有多余的资金, 财务司司长会退还你的款项, 根据您在BankMobile上选择的退款偏好.
  • We recommend you complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid at fafsa.gov) 看看你是否有资格申请联邦拨款. 你也应该积极搜索 通过ScholarshipUniverse申请奖学金!
  • 这取决于! If you are a current high school student, you should be actively applying 在你大三和大四的时候. 如果你已经是正规博彩十大网站排名的学生 student, be sure to check throughout the year, but especially from October 1 to March 1.



  • 感谢您对我校学生的慷慨支持! 获得你的奖学金 posted in ScholarshipUniverse, please submit your scholarship information to CampusLogic 由奖学金研究小组审核. 有关审查的更多信息 标准,请查看奖学金审查清单.